Transformative Learning: Educational Vision for the 21st Century Cover Image
Transformative Learning: Educational Vision for the 21st Century Cover Image

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Goodreads rating: 4.17

Paperback, Published in Jun 1999 by Zed Books

ISBN10: 1856496996 | ISBN13: 9781856496995

Page count: 320

The primary point of departure of this important book is its critique of the current utilitarian notion that the main purpose of education is to equip individuals to compete in the global market place. Professor O'Sullivan argues persuasively that every educational system must instead first equip people with an understanding of where their society is headed. He marshalls an array of evidence from environmentalists and philosophers to show that the 20th Century -- the century of the economy -- is inevitably about to give way to a new century of the environment. Otherwise, our planet faces accelerating social disintegration and environmental collapse.

Educationalists must, as a result, be asking profound questions about the content of what is taught. This needs to start with a deep understanding of the historic transition which all our societies are about to be compelled by circumstances to make. The fundamental task of educationalists is to introduce into curricula at all levels a grasp of what is wrong with the modern era, why it will be replaced, and a vision of possible new directions. It goes almost without saying that the intellectual tools, ethical values, and practical skills required for a more humane, environmentally conscious and socially just epoch will be very different from many of those taught today.

This book is primarily directed at teachers, teacher trainers and educational philosophers. But the author's magnificent analysis of where we find ourselves historically and his inspiring vision of where we could go in reshaping our communities will inspire a much wider readership.

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