Paperback, Published in Mar 2009 by Serenity Publishers, LLC
Page count: 156
CONTENTS INTRODUCTION . page 3 I. THE FORECAST . 9 11. A KITHING . I5 111. A DIRGIE . 2 I IV. THE GUILDRY . 2 V. THE FIRST CONTESTED ELECTION . 35 VI. THE FAILURE OF BAILIE MLUCRE . 43 VII. THE BRIBE . . 47 VIII. ON THE CHOOSING OF A MINISTER . 57 IX. AN EXECUTION . 67 X. A RIOT 75 XI. POLICY B 85 XII. THE SPY . gr XIII. THE MEAL MOB . . . . 99 XIV. THE SECOND PROVOSTRY . . 109 XV. ON THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE STREETS 1 I5 XVI. ABOUT THE REPAIR OF THE KIRK . . 123 XVII. THE LAW PLEA, . . 129 XVIII. THE SUPPRESSION OF THE FAIRS . I37 XIX. THE VOLUNTEERING . 143 XX. THE CLOTHING . . 151 XXI. THE PRESSGANG . l55 XXII. THE WIG DINNER . . 165 XXIII. THE DEATH OF MR MLUCRE . . I71 XXIV. THE WINDY YULE I77 XXV. THE SUBSCRIPTION . . I85 XXVI. OF THE PUBLIC LAMPS . . 191 XXVII. THE PLAINSTONES I99 XXVIII. THE SECOND CROP OF VOLUNTEERS . 207 XXIX. CAPTAIN ARMOUR . 217 THE PROVOST XXX. THE TRADES BALL . XXXI. THE BAILIES HEAD . XXXII. THE TOWN DRUMMER XXXIII. AN ALARM . XXXIV, THE COUNTRY GENTRY XXXV. TESTS OF SUCCESS XXXVI. RETRIBUTION . XXXVII. THE DUEL . XXXVIII. AN INTERLOCUTOR . XXXIX. THE NEWSPAPER XL. THE SCHOOL-HOUSE SCHEhlE XLI. BENEFITS OF NEUTRALITY . XLII. THE NEW MEMBER XLIII. MY THIRD PROVOSTRY . XLIV. THE CHURCH VACANT . KLV. THE STRAMASH IN THE COUNCIL XLVI. THE NEW COUNCILLORS XLVII. THE RESIGNATION LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS From Wafer-colourD rawinqs by JOHN M. AIKEN THE PROVOST . . fioiztispiece THE GRACE AT THE FUNERAL . . page 8 BAILIE WEEZLE . 24 BEGGARS . 40 THE WINDY YULE - s6 THE MINISTER . . 88 THE TOWN HERD . 104 THEDOMIKIE . . 152 FLORA . . 2 0 0 MRS PAWKIE . . 232 THE SSUFFER . . 280 HIS LORDSHIP . . 328 INTRODUCTION THE PROVOST INTRODUCTION DURING A RECENT VISIT TO THE WESTCountry, amongother old friendswepaidour respects to Mrs Pawkie, the relict of the Provost of that name, who three several times enjoyed the honour of being chief magistrate in Gudetown. Since the death of her worthy husband, and the comfortable settlement in life of her youngest daughter, Miss Jenny, who was married last year to Mr Caption, writer to the signet, she has been, as she told us herself, beeking in the lown o the conquest which the gudeman had, wi sic an ettling o pains and industry, gathered for his family. Our conversation naturally diverged into various topics, and, among others, we discoursed at large on the manifold improvements which had taken place, both in town and country, since we had visited the Royal Burgh. This led the widow, in acomplimentary way, to advert to the handwhich, it is alleged, wehave had in the editing of that most excellent work, entitled, Annals of the Parish of Dalmailing, intimating, that she had abook in the handwriting of her deceased husband, the Provost, filled withavarietyofmost curious matter in her opinion, of far more consequence to theworld than any book that we had ever been concerned in putting out. Considering the venerationin which MrPawkie had been through life regarded by his helpmate, we must confess that her eulogium on the merits of his work 3 THE PROVOST did not impressuswith the most profound persuasion that it was really deserving of much attention. Politeness, however, obliged us to express an earnest desire to see the volume, which, after some little hesitation, was produced. Judge, then, of the nature of our emotions, when, in cursorily turning over a few of the wellpenned pages, we found that it far surpassed everything the lady had said in its praise...