Paperback, Published in Nov 2008 by Authorhouse
Page count: 88
Marijuana. That utterly feared word. Conjuring up images of licentiousness, promiscuity, lethargic dissent, and reckless abandon. Never mind the hypocrisy of an imposed authority employing millions to wipe out alternative power structures, conquering and displacing countless natives, and justifying the suppression of civil rights for everyone but a selected few. Never mind that DEA raids on Cannabis Clubs continue even after a president, partially elected on comprehensive drug reform, stated that measures would be taken to end all attempts to close down legal dispensaries. And never mind the fact that virtually every study available depicts the plant not only as a harmless weed, but potentially the saving grace of an economy poised on the brink of collapse. It is in this climate that a beautifully short novella has come out. "How Marijuana Will Save the World," a satirical compilation of reflections on oppression, traces the Author's journey through psychological collapse at the hands of a political elite. Integrating philosophical treatises on time, ecological responsibility, magic, poetry, liberation theology, and archetypal psychology, communities of intergenerational burners will finally have a common vanguard to rally behind. In the vein of One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, "How Marijuana Will Save the World" provides the next step in evolutionary leadership for the 21st century, proposing a new framework for how we may combat those most regressive forces to finally enjoy, and share, the beauty of the cosmos, detailed in this short paperback or E-Book.