Metro 2034 (METPO, #2) Cover Image

About the Author: Dmitry Glukhovsky

Dmitry Glukhovsky (Russian: Дмитрий Глуховский) is a professional Russian author and journalist. Glukhovsky started in 2002 by publishing his first novel, Metro 2033, on his own website to be viewed for free. The novel has later become an interactive experiment, drawing in many readers, and has since been made into a video game for the Xbox 360 console and PC. Glukhovsky is known in Russia for his novels Metro 2033 and "It's Getting Darker". He is also an author of a series of satirical "Stories of Motherland" criticizing today's Russia.
As a journalist, Dmitry Glukhovsky has worked for EuroNews TV in France, Deutsche Welle, and RT. In 2008-2009 he worked as a radio host of a Mayak Radio Station. He writes columns for Harper’s Bazaar, l’Officiel and Playboy.
He has lived in Israel, Germany and France and speaks English, French, German, Hebrew and Spanish as well as his native Russian.

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Metro 2034 (METPO, #2) Cover Image

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Goodreads rating: 3.45

Paperback, by Timun mas

ISBN10: 8448039815 | ISBN13: 9788448039813

Page count: 364

Año 2034. Moscú se ha transformado en una ciudad fantasma. Los supervivientes se han refugiado en las profundidades de la red de metro y han creado allí una nueva civilización que no se parece en nada a las anteriores... La estación Sevastopolskaya lleva varias semanas sin poder comunicarse con el resto de la red de metro. Aparece en ella
un misterioso brigadier llamado Hunter. Este toma sobre sus hombros la lucha contra un enigmático peligro que amenaza a todos los habitantes de la red de metro, y emprenderá una arriesgada expedición hasta lo más recóndito del sistema de túneles. Le acompañará Homero, de l Sevastopolskaya, un hombre viejo y experimentado que conoce como nadie la red de metro y sus leyendas. Más adelante conocerán a la joven Sasha y Homero pensará que el héroe caído y la muchacha podrían ser la pareja perfecta para protagonizar su epopeya. Pero tendrá que protegerla de incesantes peligros.

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