Une Folle Nuit Cover Image

About the Author: Tina Folsom

Tina Folsom is a New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author. She's always been self-published and has found tremendous success with her paranormal series, Scanguards Vampires, Venice Vampyr, and Out of Olympus, selling more than 2 million copies of her 50 titles (which includes titles in German, French, and Spanish) in almost 4 years.

Tina writes about hot alpha heroes, bad boys, and kick-ass heroines. Fast-paced plots and steamy scenes are her specialty. She loves vampires and the concept of immortality, and now also writes contemporary romance and has launched the Eternal Bachelors Club series.

Tina is a one-women-enterprise. She writes constantly and translates her own books into German, her native language. Her books are available in e-book format, as paperbacks, as audio books, and in foreign languages.

Tina Folsom was born in Germany and has been living in English speaking countries for over 25 years, the last 13 of them in San Francisco, where she's married to an American. Tina has always been a bit of a globe trotter: after living in Lausanne, Switzerland, she briefly worked on a cruise ship in the Mediterranean, then lived a year in Munich, before moving to London. There, she became an accountant. But after 8 years she decided to move overseas.

In New York she studied drama at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts then moved to Los Angeles a year later to pursue studies in screenwriting. In 2008 she wrote her first romance. She now has 18 novels in English and dozens in other languages.

Sign up for her newsletter on her website to be kept apprised of new releases: http://bit.ly/TinaFolsomNews
Tina raffles off a $100 gift card to one lucky subscriber every month, so don't miss out!

You can also follow her on Facebook.com/TinaFolsomFans or Twitter: @Tina_Folsom

Tina also loves getting emails from her readers: tina@tinawritesromance.com

Une Folle Nuit Cover Image

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Paperback, Published in Jul 2016 by Duboce Park Press

ISBN10: 1944990046 | ISBN13: 9781944990046

Page count: 228

Au mariage de son ami Daniel, Paul Gilbert fait la connaissance de Holly Foster et tombe immEdiatement sous son charme. AprEs avoir passE une nuit incroyable dans ses bras, il dEcouvre que Holly est une escort-girl professionnelle. Se sentant trahi, il la repousse. Quelque temps plus tard, alors que sa famille fortunEe fait pression sur lui pour qu'il Epouse une riche hEritiEre qui le laisse totalement indiffErent, il dEcide cependant de demander de l'aide A Holly. Mais sera-t-il capable de lui rEsister ?

DEvastEe par la rEaction de Paul, Holly est confrontEe A un problEme plus grave une grossesse imprEvue. Quand Paul la contacte un beau jour, elle se retrouve face A un dilemme. Doit-elle accepter sa proposition inhabituelle pour le bien de l'enfant qu'elle porte, ou bien la refuser parce qu'elle sait au fond d'elle-mEme que son cOEur et son corps dEsirent bien plus qu'une relation strictement professionnelle avec Paul ?

Les trois premiers livres du Club des Eternels cElibataires doivent Etre lus dans l'ordre, mais les suivants peuvent Etre lus de faCon indEpendante.

« Torride et sensuel, L'escort attitrEe est une romance sexy A ne pas rater ! -- Bella Andre, auteur citEe sur la liste des bestsellers du New York Times et de USA Today.

Le Club des Eternels cElibataires:
Tome 1 L 'escort attitrEe
Tome 2 L'amante attitrEe
Tome 3 L'Epouse attitrEe
Tome 4 Une folle nuit
Tome 5 Une longue Etreinte

Les Vampires Scanguards:
Tome 1 - La Belle Mortelle de Samson (gratis sur Kobo/FNAC)
Tome 2 - La Provocatrice d'Amaury
Tome 3 - La Partenaire de Gabriel
Tome 4 - L'Enchantement d'Yvette
Tome 5 - La REdemption de Zane
Tome 6 - L'Eternel amour de Quinn
Tome 7 - Les dEsirs d'Oliver
Tome 8 - Le choix de Thomas
Tome 8 1/2 - DiscrEte Morsure (Un mariage Scanguards)

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