Mass Market Paperback, Published in Apr 2010 by Abaddon Books
Page count: 347
FROM THE COLD WASTES, A DEADLY THREAT ARISES! Magna Britannia reels from the events that saw some of its citizens mutated into hideous insect hybirds. The streets sre awash with rumors of a dark new religion created from destruction surrounding St Paul's Catherdal. In Europe the spectre of war reaers its ugly head, a war fought by unnatural beings. In the centre of the chaos, hero of the Empire, Ulysses Quicksilver must maintain his clam, while madness reigns and he fights to protect civilisation itself!
Ulysses Quicksilver, dandy, adventurer and agent of the throne. A steam-punk hero in a dark alternative universe where Queen Victoria has ruled for 160 years, sinister powers plot against the British Empire and dinosaurs roam the Challenger enclosure at London Zoo.