Aging with Grace: The Nun Study and the science of old age. How we can all live longer, healthier and more vital lives. Cover Image

About the Author: David Snowdon

David Snowdon started writing in 1983 and has written 12 thrillers and many short stories over the years. His first published work, Too Young To Die was published in August 2006 and his second novel, The Mind of a Genius was published in November 2007. The Mind of a Genius won an award for the best Mystery and Adventure novel in 2008. A Crime To Be Rich was published in May 2010 and became an instant bestseller. Sucker To Be Alive, his latest work was released in April 2011.

Other books by David Snowdon


Aging with Grace: The Nun Study and the science of old age. How we can all live longer, healthier and more vital lives. Cover Image

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ISBN10: 1841152927 | ISBN13: 9781841152929

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