The Prisoner of Heaven Cover Image

About the Author: Carlos Ruiz Zafón

Carlos Ruiz Zafón is a Spanish novelist. Born in Barcelona in 1964, he has lived in Los Ángeles, United States, since 1994, and works as a scriptwriter aside from writing novels.

His first novel, El príncipe de la niebla (The Prince of Mist, 1993), earned the Edebé literary prize for young adult fiction. He is also the author of three more young-adult novels, El palacio de la medianoche (1994), Las luces de septiembre (1995) and Marina (1999).

In 2001 he published the novel La sombra del viento ("The Shadow of the Wind"), his first "adult" novel, which has sold millions of copies worldwide. Since its publication, La sombra del viento has garnered critical acclaim around the world and has won numerous international awards. Ruiz Zafón's works have been published in more than 40 countries and have been translated into more than 30 languages.

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Goodreads rating: 3.94

Paperback, Published in Apr 2013 by Phoenix

ISBN10: 1780222858 | ISBN13: 9781780222851

Page count: 286

Barcelona, 1957. Daniel Sempere y su amigo Fermín, los héroes de La Sombra del Viento, regresan de nuevo a la aventura para afrontar el mayor desafío de sus vidas. Justo cuando todo empezaba a sonreírles, un inquietante personaje visita la librería de Sempere y amenaza con desvelar un terrible secreto que lleva enterrado dos décadas en la oscura memoria de la ciudad.

Al conocer la verdad, Daniel comprenderá que su destino le arrastra inexorablemente a enfrentarse con la mayor de las sombras: la que está creciendo en su interior. Rebosante de intriga y emoción, El Prisionero del Cielo es una novela magistral donde los hilos de La Sombra del Viento y El Juego del Ángel convergen a través del embrujo de la literatura y nos conduce hacia el enigma que se oculta en el corazón del Cementerio de los Libros Olvidados.

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