Paperback, Published in Sep 2015 by Samhain Publishing
Page count: 218
She wants to turn up the heat. He's got the skills to whip her into a frenzy. The Boot Knockers Ranch, Book 5 TV food show host Tabbart Tracy works hard to give viewers her best recipes. But while her fans are legion, her personal life is colder than a meat locker. Most men just want her to serve up some pie-in the nude. One glance at her assistant's sexy brother, though, and her body skips straight from low simmer to rolling boil. Especially when she tracks him down at a stud ranch. Where he's the stud. When a certain little TV foodie personally requests Stowe's company for a week, he's flattered as hell. She needs to give up some control, and as a sex therapist otherwise known as the "Dom from Down Under," Stowe has the leather, rope, and paddles to do it. Just as Tabbart melts into a puddle under Stowe's hands, her worst fear chills her back to reality: someone recognizes her. Worse, her Master frowns on opening her checkbook to make it all go away. But trusting him means hanging onto their connection with both hands-while he takes her for the ride of her life. Warning: This book contains a TV chef looking for some R&R (as in rough and raunchy) and a whip-wielding Aussie cowboy Dom intent on showing her she can take the heat. As hot as-and anywhere-she wants it.
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