Paperback, Published in Aug 2008 by America Star Books
Page count: 248
aSugar Daddya In Providence, Rhode Island, Egypt Munroe is a corporate paralegal. Gucci, Prada, and Louis Vuittonaon her meager salary, purchasing these leave her without money for rent. Anthony Ricci, owner of Bella Manes, tells her wicked ways to make money. aMad Justicea Tiffany Collins is a young woman with a bright future, planning for a large wedding. Being at the wrong place at the wrong time, she is kidnapped and trained to be an assassin. She is brainwashed by Jeremy, the leader of a world-wide assassination ring. She escapes and is on a mission to avenge women wronged by men. aKool Catsa Janet and Matthew Miller lived a quiet life; she is a stockbroker and he is an attorney. They bought the perfect home. The tenant, Dr. Thomas Hutton, paid three months in advance. He invented a revolutionary breakthrough changing the lives of both men and woman.
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