Paperback, Published in Aug 2008 by America Star Books
Page count: 156
Golf to them was not a game. It was a cup of cappuccino, a glass of wine, a reason to get together and enjoy one anotheras company, to again experience the joy and laughter, the jokes, the pokes, the insults, the highs and lows of the game itself. They were sensible men loving a good time while in quest of perfection in a journey through the Emerald Cathedral, a journey in which no one has ever found perfection. Aware of this, they take their disappointments lightly and use humor to make it bearable. Curtis is the level-headed one. Jerry, because he is the best golfer, is the butt of most jokes. Lee, always the clown and the one with the weakest golf game, finds a buried treasure that may tip the scales in his favor. Laugh along with us on this hilarious escapade.
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