Paperback, Published in Apr 2008 by America Star Books
Page count: 296
Mage Webbe, sent to Aolin Castle to support the young king, manages to stir up as much trouble as she cleverly overcomes. Relying as much on her sense of mischief and humor as her hidden magical skills, she slowly wins the loyalty and friendship of the kingas prime advisor, Sage Wizard Ziv; the kingas advisors; and finally, King Wellyn himself, who is as amused by her surprises and fresh outlook as he is by her unusual and bold solutions to championship challenges, calls to adventures by ancient powers, and the digging-out of traitors. Together Webbe and Wellyn manage to avert a war and win over a powerful enemy, when the king surprises Webbe with a secret of his own. Webbeas mage companions, birth sister, and time twist troubles add spice to the once-quiet Aolin territory, as rumors begin about a possible return of the glorious Golden Age.
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