Paperback, Published in Jul 2008 by America Star Books
Page count: 116
In the heart of Eden, Adam walks through the long grass beside the Pishon river. The world is just three days old and has not yet had a chance to display its full potential. The garden is beautiful and perfect in every way, much like Adam. The perfection is interrupted when Adam learns of the forbidden tree in the center of the garden. Elsewhere in the garden, Lucifer struggles with his plan to tempt Adam to defy God. Lucifer, having been expelled from heaven for refusing to bow down to Adam, plans to cause Adam to fall so that God will see that Adam is not worthy of worship. Perhaps then God will recall his judgment on the fallen angels, and Lucifer will again be allowed back into heaven. The journey truly begins when Lucifer remembers back to the time before Adam. Back to the time when he was the leader of the angelic legions in heaven. Before the fall. Before the creation of man, and even before the creation of Eden. In this book, youall witness the conception of the idea that became Adam. Youall walk with the archangels in heaven as they struggle with their order to bow before Adam, and youall stand beside Lucifer and his angels when God judges him for his defiance, and sends him to the darkness within Eden.
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