Paperback, Published in Feb 2008 by America Star Books
Page count: 82
Cary lived, loved, lost and gets devastating news. She is diagnosed with a brain tumor and she has one year left. Cary cries then has a revelation to make her last Christmas the best Christmas, to live to the fullest, and to be remembered, not with sadness and tears, but with laughter and smiles. She vows to make the most of her last Christmas. She lived a meaningful life, but now feels that she must live a purposeful life. Cary plans special Valentineas and Easter surprises for loved ones and those around her. Her good deeds bring joy to all. What she is doing is appreciated and shared with those around them. Thanksgiving passes and Christmas arrives. Cary reflects on the last year in which she is happy. She smiles because her family will be spending Christmas at her home. Ryken watches his mother and understands that she has no regrets, only lovely memories.
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