Paperback, Published in Nov 2007 by America Star Books
Page count: 236
Dr. Allan C. Fillman, PhD has a doctorate in environmental engineering, has over ten years of formal Bible training, training in adult education, but more important he has accepted Jesus Christ as his personal savior and therefore has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. He lives with his wife Carol in Anderson, South Carolina, and attends the New Prospect Baptist Church. This combination of education along with a relationship with Jesus Christ has enabled him to effectively teach and preach the word of God. In Behold, I Show You a Mystery, he will cover topics concerning the End Times and a guide to prepare you for these prophetic events. The Bible says that we should aprovea everything, even the existence of God. 1 Thessalonians 5: 21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. It is my sincere desire that you seek the wisdom of God and diligently search the scriptures in order to prove all things.
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