The Real Witches' Kitchen Cover Image

About the Author: Kate West

The author of over a dozen books, Kate West (United Kingdom), has become the U.K.'s most successful author on Witchcraft. She is the recipient of a Lifetime Contribution to Witchcraft award and has been recognized as the most popular factual writer on Witchcraft by Children of Artemis, the fastest growing Witchcraft organization in the U.K. and Europe. Formerly the Vice President of the Pagan Federation, West remains active in the Wiccan community, speaking at international Witchfests and contributing to magazines. She is High Priestess of the Hearth of Hecate and lives in North Norfolk.

The Real Witches' Kitchen Cover Image

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Goodreads rating: 4.07

Paperback, Published in May 2002 by Thorsons Publishers

ISBN10: 0007117868 | ISBN13: 9780007117864

Page count: 224

This title includes around 100 spells and recipes - many revealed for the first time - for eating, drinking and making your life merrier, along with plenty of practical advice on witchy subjects such as potions to improve your looks without ruining your bank balance! Traditionally much of the work of the witch took place around the hearth, where herbs, plants and other ingredients were specially blended to create medicines to mend the body and heal the spirit, and foods and wines were created to celebrate the festivals of the Wheel of the Year. Today's hearth is the kitchen, and for many witches it is the work-centre where they make the recipes and other tools of their trade.

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