The Cat Kit: Cognitive Affective Training:  New Program For Improving Communication! Cover Image

About the Author: Tony Attwood

Tony Attwood is an English psychologist who lives in Queensland, Australia and is an author of several books on Asperger's Syndrome. He received an honours degree in psychology from the University of Hull, an M.A. in clinical psychology from the University of Surrey, and a Ph.D. from University College London under Uta Frith. His book, Asperger's Syndrome: A Guide for Parents and Professionals, provides information on diagnosis, problems of social relations, sensory issues, motor control and other typical issues which face people with Asperger's and their support networks. The book has now been translated into 20 languages. Attwood also has a clinical practice at his diagnostic and treatment clinic for children and adults with Asperger’s Syndrome, in Brisbane, begun in 1992.

The Cat Kit: Cognitive Affective Training:  New Program For Improving Communication! Cover Image

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ISBN10: 1932565736 | ISBN13: 9781932565737

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