Renaissance, Revolution And Reformation (Folens History) Cover Image
Renaissance, Revolution And Reformation (Folens History) Cover Image

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Paperback, Published in May 2008 by Oxford University Press, USA

ISBN10: 1850083452 | ISBN13: 9781850083450

Page count: 152

"Folens History" has always delivered National Curriculum skills and content in an entertaining and innovative way. Following detailed market research the approach has been developed even further for the new editions, making it the perfect package to hook your students' interest in history and build their skills. "Renaissance, Revolution & Reformation" now combines enquiries with factual narrative, all written in an approachable and understandable style, including relevant and fascinating facts, interesting and motivating activities, and specific sections to extend or reinforce learning. Content has been thoroughly researched and revised to deliver exactly what you need. In particular the new edition features: brand new topics; an overview section explaining how the book tackles key concepts and processes; tasks and activities highlighting teamwork, enquiry and independent learning skills; practical support for improving understanding in chronology; specific attention given to supporting and improving students' literacy levels; and teaching support for departmental planning, homework, writing exercises and support for higher/lower achieving students. A CD-ROM is also available.

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