About the Author: William Roach
I love writing romance novels. My favorite ones are historical. England and Scotland have always fascinated me. I was born Scot-Irish, English and German, so it is only natural I would be interested in my ancestors and how they lived. I especially like reading the love stories of the aristocracy. I always liked the way people of the Regency and Victorian era lived so that is where I have decided to base my stories.
I was born in South Carolina and grew up in Florida. I have always been able to lay in bed at night and dream up stories so I decided I would start writing some of them down.
I sat down Sunday after the release of my latest book on Amazon and started telling my daughter some of the story of Buck, Jill and witches, goddesses and werewolves. The whole time I was telling the story my wife and daughter were staring at me. When I finished my daughter asked, "How do you come up with all this stuff? My granddaughter chimed in and asked me to tell another story. I don't know where these stories come from. They just come out.
When I was a kid I didn't have any friends close by to play with so I made up my own games. I was always the hero cowboy. With my trusty broom handle between my legs I would run across the yard chasing the bad guys. It usually ended in a fight when I caught the bad guy.
Sometime I would be a super hero and chase bad guys with my cape tied around my neck (bath towel) and my bathing suit.
I made a crate into a space ship and tried to get my brother to pick me up in it and throw it to the moon. I always thought of him as the strongest man in the world. And my daughter wonders where I get these stories from.
I hope you enjoy my stories as much as I have enjoyed writing them.