Audio CD, Published in Mar 2015 by The Classic Collection
Between 1485 and 1688, England became a Protestant country under Henry VIII. His daughter, Elizabeth I, battled for succession and supremacy at home, and the discovery of "the round world" enabled a vast continent across the Atlantic to be explored. While this new era was spawning the beginnings of modern America, England was engaged in a bloody civil war and sustained a Republican experiment under the leadership of Oliver Cromwell. This is the second volume in Churchill's famous account. The series remains a testament to the skill and insight of a remarkable storyteller and historian. Don't miss the rest of the titles in this great series! The Birth of Britain: A History of the English Speaking Peoples, Volume I ? The Age of Revolution: A History of the English Speaking Peoples, Volume III ? The Great Democracies: A History of the English Speaking Peoples, Volume IV