About the Author: D.J. Lyons
PROFESSIONAL STORYTELLER: Debbie Dunn aka DJ Lyons has been telling stories and teaching storytelling around the USA, full-time from 1989 to 1997, part-time from 1998 to 2008, & full-time from January 2009 onward. She tells age-appropriate stories. She encourages lots of audience participation as she performs. Debbie has been a member of the National Storytelling Network and the Tennessee Storytelling Association since 1990. For more information on her storytelling performances and workshops, please visit http://moredunntales.com.
EDUCATION: In 1980, Debbie earned her 2 Bachelor’s degrees in Elementary Education and in Sociology. In 1989, Debbie earned her Master’s degree in Elementary Education with a specialization in Storytelling.
PUBLISHED AUTHOR & ONE-WOMAN THEATRE SHOWS: Debbie performs One-Woman Theatre Shows based on her two published books written under her pen name of DJ Lyons: (1) The Bell Witch Unveiled At Last! The True Story Of A Poltergeist and (2) White Reindeer, Kudzu Monster, & Other Tales Of Wonder. The Bell Witch book was published in March of 2008. For more information about her Bell Witch book, to book Debbie Dunn aka DJ Lyons for a book signing or performance about the Bell Witch, or to purchase her book using Pay Pal, please visit http://bellwitchunveiled.com. The White Reindeer book will be published later in 2009. For more information about this book, please visit http://askdjlyons.com.
TEACHER: Debbie was an Elementary teacher for 7 years: Pre-First, Chapter I Math Lab, Grades 4, 4-5 split, and 5. She was a Middle School teacher: Conflict Resolution teacher for 5 years (Grades 6, 7, and 8) and a 7th Grade English teacher for 2 ½ years.