Paperback, Published in Sep 2013 by Theclassics.Us
Page count: 138
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1854 edition. Excerpt: ... pin money. chapter I. "When a couple are to be married, if their goods and chattels can be brought to unite, their sympathetic souls are ever ready to guarantee the treaty. The gentleman's mortgaged lawn becomes enamoured of the lady's marriageable grove; the match is struck up, and both parties are piously in love--according to act of Parliament.--Goldsmith. "A Most unexceptionable proposal, my dear sister!" said Lady Olivia Tadcaster to Lady Launceston, in the secresy of her dressingroom. "Frederica is a lucky girl; and I recommend her to accept Sir Brooke Rawleigh with as little fuss or delay as possible. Let me see! We are in the first week of June. Maradan, Etching, and the Irish solicitors will manage to keep the matter drawling on for eight or ten weeks; and I shall not get off to Carlsbad before the end of August, unless my niece can make up her mind without further difficulty." "You are always in such a hurry, Olivia! Sir Brooke only made his proposal last night, while we were waiting for the carriage to draw up. And as I had no notion of what was going on, I kept begging Frederica to tie her boa closer, and keep her mouth shut, for fear of the east wind;--so that a definitive answer was out of the question." "Well! and as soon as she reached homo and informed you of what had passed, you wrote to Sir Brooke for an explanation of his intentions, --eh! my dear?" "No, indeed; I am not so fond of business and explanations as yon are." "But you desired Frederica to take up her pen and" "On the contrary, I begged she would take some arrowroot, and go to bed. Well, --please God! I hope shewill be happy. Frederica is a very amiable creature--an excellent disposition; only I never can prevail upon her to take proper care of herself...".