Paperback, Published in Jan 2012 by Tracy Cooper-Posey
Page count: 272
Lindsay is determined to outshine her mother's illustrious career. As head of marketing for the exclusive Freeman Hotel, in the rarefied mountains of northern Washington, Lindsay grapples with her rival -- the charming newcomer, Lucifer Furey Pierse. No one knows much about Luke except that he could turn murder into a comedy routine, that he likes classy women and is oddly drawn to the prickly, definitely not-interested Lindsay. It starts with a bet that goes horribly wrong. If Lyndsay wins, then Luke leaves town-forever. If Luke wins, he gets a date with Lyndsay. But when Luke wins and Lindsay is forced to pay the price, she learns more about Lucifer Furey Pierse than she thought existed, and the date kick-starts a bitter-sweet journey as they learn why they are the people they have become. Then life hands them an unexpected twist they must deal that tests both of them to limits.